NJ Hope and Healing Crisis Counseling

Church World Service is partnering with New Jersey Hope and Healing to provide a Crisis Counseling Outreach program for the Refugee, Asylee and Asylum-seeking community during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The purpose of the program is to provide free virtual community engagement activities that promotes social support and resiliency during this difficult time.  

Community Engagement Programs will include: 

Virtual Support Groups COVID-19 informationMindful Meditation Classes | Education on Mental and Physical HealthSelf- Care Workshops | Referrals to Resources

Programa de Consejeríade Crisis

CWS y New Jersey Hope and Healing estánproporcionando un programa de participacióncomunitaria gratuito para refugiados, solicitantes deasilo y asilados que desean apoyo durante COVID-19.
No se recopilará información personal!
Los Servicios del Programa Incluirán: Información actualizada sobre COVID-19 | Grupos de apoyo virtuales| Clases de meditación consciente | Educación sobre salud mental y física | Referencias a recursos
Y Más!

Email us to learn more

Send us an email to learn more about how you can join our next support group session! Or call one of our coordinators to learn more:

Carmen Rosario (Spanish) : 201-989-3267
Mohamed Abbas (Arabic): 201-724-3905
Saif Lokhandwala (Hindi): 201-233-1337
Rahem Zeb (Urdu): 201-233-0049

Interested in providing workshops or leading an activity? Email us and let us know how you would like to help!

Email us


This program is brought to you through the New Jersey Hope and Healing Crisis Counseling Program (CCP). The CCP is provided by  CWS Jersey City in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Human Services’ Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services and is funded through a FEMA/SAMHSA grant.